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Suckling Pig

Our suckling pigs are fed exclusively with their mother’s milk. The high quality of suckling pig is achieved by following good production practices that includes hygiene, feeding and preventive measures to reduce t any type of stress.



There is a rise in demand in the US for suckling pigs. Chefs appreciate knowing the diet of the animal, and being able to permeate in the exact flavors they want into the meat. Chef also enjoy seeing first hand the care farms are giving to their animals to ensure a great meat product. Farms are now facilities designed to provide a great, clean environment to raise happy animals.

A suckling pig is a piglet fed on its mothers milk. While sows and boars are fed exclusively with a special diet formula consisting of soy, corn, rice, and wheat. Our suckling pigs are fed exclusively with their mother’s milk. The high quality of suckling pig is achieved by following good production practices that includes hygiene, feeding and preventive measures to reduce t any type of stress.


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