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If there’s one food that’s associated with pure luxury, it’s caviar.

Caviar is unfertilized fish eggs, also known as fish roe. It is a salty delicacy, served cold. True caviar comes from wild sturgeon, which belongs to the Acipenseridae family.​​

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If there’s one food that’s associated with pure luxury: caviar


Caviar is unfertilized fish eggs, also known as fish roe. It is a salty delicacy, served cold. True caviar comes from wild sturgeon, which belong to the Acipenseridae family.​​


Caviar vs. Fish Roe

All female fish lay eggs to reproduce; therefore, they all have roe. Not all fish roe is suitable for human consumption, however, and only sturgeon roe is considered caviar.


Other popular types of fish roe like salmon, trout, and flying fish are well-loved and popular for topping sushi rolls, toast, and more. However, they are not considered caviar. Some types of fish roe have similar flavor and textural characteristics to caviar and can be used as a substitute.


Caviar comes from a fish. However, this does not mean that its flavor is only that of fish or shellfish. Caviar tastes a bit fishy and is a bit salty, but actually, the words that best describe its taste are “caviar tastes like ocean water”. However, it is also essential that you know that the flavor of caviar will depend on its quality. Since good caviar is soft and fresh, it does not have a pronounced intensity and has a buttery flavor that is entirely unexpected on the palate. If the caviar tastes very fishy or is very salty, then its quality is not as good as the others.


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